Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big Boy Bed!!

So we have been looking for a big boy bed for Nathan for the last few months since we will need the crib for the new baby. We finally found this sweet car bed on ksl for dirt cheap. We were a little scared that he wouldn't stay in bed all night as most parents probably are. We tried putting him down for a nap in it but no luck so he got to skip his nap. Needless to say he was really tired last night from just a short nap in the real car yesterday. We put him to bed last night and that was the last we heard from him until 8:07 this morning!! Hopefully it wasn't just a one time thing. Wish us luck!!


  1. That bed it totally awesome! I bet he loves it like crazy!!! It seems to be a smooth transition from the crib. Now you just need your new baby to fill the old crib! AHHHHH are you so excited to have your baby? Peace out

  2. Gooooooood luck. He will realize his freedom soon enough, and then that is when you have to do the child proof lock on the INSIDE of his room... that one is fun.

  3. I want to sleep in a car bed. I hope that it works good. It has taken Mady about 6 years to sleep all through the night.

  4. That is a really sweet bed! I'm totally jealous.
