Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Lately I have been so tired I can barely move. Ok not that bad but pretty bad. Having 2 kids has done me in. I don't know how people have tons of kids. My mom had 8 and I cry just thinking about how tired that would make a person. I keep telling myself that it's just sleep and it's not that important but I just love sleep. If you were to ask me what my favorite pass time is my answer would be sleep. I sometimes wake up in the morning planning when I can go to sleep next. This does not really work with a 2 year old and a new borns schedule. Nathan decided to stop taking his 3 hour naps as soon as Ben was born, sad huh. It's not like Ben is even a bad baby. He's not sleeping through the night but sometimes he sleeps for 6-7 hours at a time and then he will go right back to sleep. I have this worrying problem. I wake up about a million times a night to make sure he's breathing and to check on Nathan. Kevin says I make up stuff to worry about. Sometimes I think he's right. This does not help in the sleep department. I lay awake at night thinking about the dumbest things like what I would say if someone this to me or what I should have said in a conversation. I look at the clock every few minutes thinking if I could just fall asleep now I would get this much sleep and then do the same thing 30 minutes later silly me. Sometimes I wish I could just shut my brain off. I have even tried working out the last few days thinking that will make me so tired I will just fall right to sleep no such luck. I have had this love for sleep ever since I can remember. When I was younger I could sleep all day wake up eat and go back to sleep for the night. Boy do I miss those days sometimes. Ok I'll stop. This is probably making whoever reads my blog tired. Happy sleeping!!


  1. I have that same problem and it started when I was pregnant with our second baby and, sadly, four-and-a-half years later, I still suffer from it. "It" being insomnia. I have yet to find a cure, so if you stumble onto something, please let me know. It's rare that without the help of OTC sleep aids that I get a complete nights sleep even though my kids usually sleep through the night.

    Good luck to you in finding a solution!

  2. I am sleepy. And I do the exact same thing. I love sleep. It makes me happy! There was a nurse at the hospital that told me she will sleep when she is dead. I wish I could be more like that but alas, I love to sleep.

  3. Sleep is my favorite too! I am sorry you are so tired. Maybe we should get up first thing and do stuff to wear Nathan out and then maybe he will get a good nap in for you. But you know that will mean that Ben will have a big blow out and be super hungry and fussy in the afternoons, because that is what happens, IF IT'S NOT ONE ITS THE OTHER!

  4. I feel your pain, Amber. Although my baby has never gone more than 5 hours, and that was only once. . . . I had that same not sleeping problem, but, I got on anti-anxiety medication this time, and it really helps. My Dr. also had me take a sleeping pill for 2 nights, because I was soooo crazy. If it makes you feel any better, know that I'm right there with you. And, I'm hoping it gets easier soon. I'd say try to enjoy your 2, because 3 is even worse!!! Good luck.

  5. That DID make me tired! ☺! Just kidding. I think I am jealous of my kids that nap! Giggling! I am also jealous of Dave- take today for example- Sunday and he decides he's going to have a nap and leaves me (the person who NEEDS one the most cuz I'm up with babies 3 times every night!) up with the kids. I get Kenzi napping and lay down by Dave in time for Paxton to wake me up and want to eat. Get him fed and playing and lay down in time for Kamden to be fighting with Holden and it just goes on! Dave just sleeps through ALL of it! It's cuz all he needs to do to tune out the world and leave it to me is take out his hearing aids! GOODNESS! Are you tired from reading this yet?
