Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tator Baby

I was just looking through all my pictures and I almost forgot what Tator looked like when he was a little smaller. He is so cute I can't believe that he is my baby. It makes me wonder what little Ben is going to look like. Atleast that's what we think we are going to name him. They also make me think where the time has gone. I cannot believe Nathan is 2 and a half and that we are 15 days away from having another baby. Crazy stuff. I am totally ready to be done being pregnant. I'm going to try and focus on just enjoying this baby instead of hoping for the "next step". I think nathan is going to be a great big brother. He loves babies and keeps asking me when we are going to go to the Hospital and get his baby.


  1. You could totally have your baby before me the way that I'm going. My Dr. would probably not mind letting me go 15 more days, even though I'm going out of my mind. Ben is a good name. I kind of like my brother with that name, sometimes. Good luck in the last weeks. Is that your scheduled C-Section date.

  2. AMBER! I hope you are relaxing a bit before Ben makes his debut! Prayers that everything goes smooth as silk! Hugs!

  3. HE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME...just smaller. Those are such cute pictures.

  4. ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK
